Promotion & fix
Promotion & Improvements
Promotion & Improvements
New year promotion
login expiry bug fix, loan card click complete user check
You can now order a Virtual card from your Monpay account.
Fixed an issue where QR was sometimes not working
Skytel units and pay-as-you-go services are now available.
Skytel units and pay-as-you-go services are now available.
The aim is to provide children with basic financial knowledge and instill habits and eliminate financial misunderstandings between parents and children.
Tasks: Children and parents agree to do homework, read a book, or memorize new words, etc., and create a game based on monetary value.
Purpose Account: Aims to introduce children to savings from an early age. 30% of the money received by the child from completing the "Task" will go towards the fulfillment of the goal.
Purchase loan improvement
promo - development
Deeplink development
New feature
Minor bug fix and improvements
New and upcoming feature, minor bug fix
new update
some changes according to google play policy
Consent of the data owner added,
Improvements & Minor Bug fix
Coupon upgrade
Бидний дуртай LEVEL UP урамшуулал шинэчлэгдлээ!
IBAN Account
New Year - E-gift
New year surprises!
bug fix
Monpay Bond
Cash back promotion - bug fix
By registering your EBarimt ID number once, have your VAT receipts automatically registered to the EBarimt system on certain cases including:
-In-app purchases
-Bill payments
-When you make purchases with selected MonPay merchants.
Go to the left-side menu to register your EBarimt ID number and learn more.
Minor improvement
Дараах сайжруулалтууд орлоо:
Face ID, Fingerprint-р нэвтрэх
Утасны жагсаалтаас санал болгох
Мэдэгдэл уншсан, уншаагүйгээр ялгах
Following improvements have been made:
Face ID, Fingerprint login
Contacts suggestion
Read, unread notification
Other minor changes
Нэхэмжлэл, Шилжүүлэгийн сайжруулалт
Мэндчилгээ илгээх
1. Тээврийн хэрэгслийн зам ашигласны хураамжаа гар утаснаасаа хялбараар төлөөрэй!
2. Цахим мөнгөний гэрээ байгуулах
1. new year promotions
2. give a coupon
Small unit
"Invite a friend" promotion
-New user interface design
-Easy account recharge by e-token
-MonPay market
-New user interface design
-Easy account recharge by e-token
-MonPay market
Жижиг өөрчлөлт оруулав.
Deep linking (redirect to bill payment page from URL)
Bug fix
+Level up шинэ урамшууллын дизайн
-New user interface design
-User profile settings (reset transaction pin, change login password, fingerprint setting, pin code protection for statement and balance)
-Hide/show balance
-Help menu (FAQ, Security tips)